Which Rabbits Make Better Pets: Males or Females? 

white rabbit in a grass meadow.

Rabbits, oh, those adorable little fluffballs! They may look like easy pets with their soft fur and twitchy noses, but they require some serious care. You’ll have to provide for their needs, love them and care for them to ensure they live long, healthy lives. Now, you might wonder, are male or female rabbits better pets?  

Every bunny has its unique personality, quirks, and needs. However, there are a few general factors to consider when deciding between a male or female fur baby.  

Key Differences Between Male and Female Rabbits  

To better understand which bunny will make a better companion, you’ll need to figure out what sets the boys apart from the girls. So let’s hop right in and discover the major gender differences between these adorable buns, from their distinctive physical features to their unique behaviors.  

Physical Differences  

Rabbits are lovable creatures that have captured the hearts of many with their twitching noses and floppy ears. But unless you’re a breeder, we bet you don’t want to have too many of them. To prevent unpleasant surprises, you’ll need to keep your boy and girl buns apart when they reach sexual maturity.   

But here’s the deal. Figuring out whether a rabbit is male or female isn’t as straightforward as you imagine. Even pet store staff slip up on this one sometimes. That’s because the male organ that’s pretty prominent in other species like cats or dogs is hard to see on rabbits, making it a bit tricky to determine their gender at first glance.  

To err on the side of caution, have your vet double-check your rabbit’s gender. And if you’ve adopted a pair of these fluffy creatures, it’s best to keep them in separate cages even if you’ve been told they’re both males or females. Better safe than sorry, right?  

Here’s a rough guide on determining the sex of a bun before you can get them to the vet:  

The Private Parts  

A lady bun’s private area has a V-shaped slit for a hole near the anus. Meanwhile, the male (or buck) sports a round or oblong sex organ with a small dot. That dot is the opening on the tip of the penis.   

If you have keen eyesight, you’ll sometimes catch a glimpse of the testicles. But don’t be surprised if you can’t see a thing resembling the mentioned male parts. Bucks can retract the testicles into their bodies, making it a challenge to determine their gender.  

Another physical difference between boy and girl buns is the nipples. Lady buns (or does) have 4-5 nipples lined up along their tummy. On the other hand, the buck’s nipples are so underdeveloped that you’ll have trouble spotting them.  

Their Size  

The size and weight of individual buns vary across different rabbit breeds. However, the does are typically larger and heavier than the bucks belonging to the same bun type. Regardless of their size, though, the head and body of male rabbits are often more stocky and solidly built than the females.   

Differences in Temperament and Behavior  

Aside from their physical differences, male and female bunnies have behavioral traits common to their gender. More than the physical aspect, these characteristics can help you determine the answer to the question are male or female rabbits better pets. 

Remember that these are just generalizations and that a rabbit’s personality can vary depending on other factors, such as breed and living conditions.  

Aggressive Behaviors  

If you think lady bunnies have gentle manners, guess again. When it comes to rabbits, bucks tend to be calmer and more easy-going than the does. In fact, in their natural setting, the dominant rabbit is usually female. This tendency is evident among intact males, unspayed females and in desexed buns.  

Lady rabbits are geared towards protecting their young, a job they take seriously. That’s even if they don’t have any babies yet. This instinct can manifest in aggressive behaviors, such as growling, kicking, or even biting. Thumping their feet is a milder way of showing their displeasure.  

Territorial Instincts  

When it comes to staking their claim, the lady bunnies take the lead. You see, female rabbits possess the instinctual need to defend heir turf, especially their burrows and nesting areas.   

This could be related to the fact that they’re hardwired to keep their young safe from predators. The doe wants to create a secure environment for her babies, so she tends to be obsessive about guarding her territory.    

To clarify, male bucks also possess a strong territorial instinct. Intact males, in particular, may exhibit aggressive behaviors to protect their domain, especially when confronted by other males. Nevertheless, their level of contentiousness is generally lower compared to that of the does. 

grey rabbit in flowers.

Spraying Habits   

Spraying is a bun behavior that involves squirting urine all over an area. It’s a rabbit’s way of marking territory. Although we mentioned that lady buns are more territorial than their male counterparts, they don’t spray as much.   

To be clear, though, girl rabbits may still resort to scent marking. It’s just not as conspicuous as the male spraying extravaganza. Instead, they might rub their chins against objects to stake their claim.  


Because of their raging hormones, intact males feel a constant urge to mate. This drives them to mount anything that catches their fancy, your favorite stuffed toy included. Getting your buck fixed could eliminate the behavior, but there’s no guarantee.  

Lady bunnies can also mount other buns, pets, or objects but not as often as the males. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re in the mood for love because mounting is not just all about sex but is also a means to assert dominance.

Unspayed rabbits tend to do this more often than their fixed kin, so if you find the behavior annoying, a trip to the vet could be the solution.  


It’s challenging to use gender as the basis for determining a rabbit’s personality because various factors can influence how calm or obstinate a bun is. However, in general, the ladies tend to have a strong personality. They’re typically more stubborn and standoffish to their humans.   

In contrast, the males are more laid back, friendlier, and more likely to show affection than female buns.   

Are Male or Female Rabbits Better Pets? 

So which should you choose if you plan to bring home a furry pal? There are arguments for and against each gender which can help you determine whether a boy or girl bun will suit you best.  

The Advantages of Getting a Buck  

A male bun might be the perfect companion for you due to the following reasons: 

They’re Friendlier  

Male rabbits are often more friendly than female bunnies, so you’ll likely find that they bond with you quickly. Not only that, but boy bunnies tend to be extra interactive and affectionate with their owners.   

No Accidental Pregnancies  

Male buns don’t get pregnant, plain and simple. While female rabbits can go through multiple pregnancies in a short period, the males don’t carry that possibility. That means you won’t have to stress about surprise bunny litters popping up unexpectedly.  

Cheaper to Maintain  

Female rabbits are generally larger than males. That means they’ll need more food and larger cages, which will hike their maintenance costs. Also, getting lady buns spayed involves more expense than neutering their male counterpart.  

The Disadvantages of Getting Male Bunnies 

Of course, bucks aren’t little angels who will always behave perfectly. They do have their not-so-great sides, too.  

Their Active Libido  

This applies to intact males who will likely be in constant pursuit of mating opportunities. Their persistent desire to reproduce can lead to territorial disputes, which, in turn, can cause intense fighting and even injuries.  

Sexual Aggression  

Boy rabbits will hump other rabbits, pets, and even objects around the house once they reach sexual maturity. It’s not just because they’re always ready for romance but also as their way of asserting dominance.  

white rabbit on a wood floor.

The Advantages of Having a Female Bunny   

Despite their tendency to have a strong personality, girl rabbits have a charm of their own, making them ideal pets.  

They’re Less Timid  

All rabbits are wary of strangers and don’t naturally enjoy being held, even by their humans. However, because lady buns are often bolder than the males, they are less afraid of human contact.   

They Don’t Spray as Much as the Males   

No one likes the smell of urine. However, male rabbits are particularly enthusiastic about this whole marking business, so they frequently spray to let the world know what’s theirs. In contrast, female buns are more discreet about their marking habits and don’t feel the need to drench everything in sight.  

The Disadvantages of Female Rabbits as Pets 

They can be adorable and charming, but you should consider a few things before bringing a female bunny into your home.  

Destructive Habits  

Although all rabbit breeds and genders can get destructive when bored, the girl buns outdo their male kin. This can be attributed to their nesting tendencies.

Female bunnies are natural homemakers. They’re hardwired to build cozy nests for their babies. To accomplish the task, they need to chew. So you can expect the ladies to chew more than the males, especially when they have nothing better to do.  

More Health Complications  

Health complications that unspayed females can encounter are uterine, ovarian, and mammary cancer. When female rabbits aren’t spayed, their reproductive system keeps chugging along, and the risk of developing these cancers increases as they age.

Spaying is the solution. However, this process costs more than neutering.  

So are male or female rabbits better pets? It ultimately boils down to individual preferences and the specific needs of each pet owner. Both genders have unique qualities that can make them wonderful companions, so the important thing is to choose a rabbit that matches your lifestyle and personality.   

Also, whether you bring home a male or female rabbit, providing them with the love and care they need will contribute to a fulfilling and rewarding pet ownership experience.  

More on Different Types of Rabbits

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