By Christine
You may think your bunny is the most adorable creature in the world but admit it, sometimes he does something you find weird or confusing. Take running around in circles, for example.
Seeing your bun make those dizzying turns can prompt you to ask yourself if he’s gone mad or something. The good news is, he’s probably fine.
Reasons Why Your Rabbit Run in Circles
Along with binkying, flopping, and honking, running in circles is typical rabbit behavior, and it can signify different things depending on the circumstances.
The Need to Mate
If your bun honks while running in circles, chances are high that he is indeed looking to mate.
To Seek Attention
Are you holding something tasty when your fur baby started zipping around you? Well, that may be his way of asking for some of that delicious treat.
To Get Some Exercise
Rabbits can feel the same way after being cooped up inside the cage for hours. So if your bun starts running in circles when he gets out of his hutch, he may simply be stretching his legs and giving his blood circulation a boost.
You’ll get bored, too, if you’re inside a cage with nothing to do. A bun who runs in circles or paces back and forth inside his hutch is likely craving for some activity.
To Establish Dominance
Rabbits try to show they’re the boss through various ways. Along with mounting, circling is their way of asserting themselves.
Reasons Why Your Rabbit Run in Circles