By Christine
What Is Rabbit Foot Thumping?
Rabbit foot thumping refers to a behavior that buns display where they stomp their hind legs repeatedly on the ground. Because of their strong legs and feet, foot thumping is loud, akin to a large book slamming on the floor.
Rabbits thump their feet in response to something in their environment and use the act to communicate with you or other rabbits. Here are some common reasons that can drive your pet to drum his feet on the ground:
Fear is by far the most common reason that causes rabbits to thump their feet. It’s often their automatic response when they sense danger or feel threatened.
Rabbits get frustrated, too, and when they do, they show it. In this context, thumping is the equivalent of a temper tantrum.
Rabbits enjoy getting attention from their humans. If you’ve been too busy lately to interact with your pet, he might stomp his feet to get you to notice him. It’s like he’s saying, “hey, look at me,” hoping you would play with him.
Your pet may be hungry, but there’s no food in his feeding dish. Or his water bowl may be empty. In either instance, he could stamp his feet to communicate his need.