
Ultimate List of the Best Veggies for Rabbits

By Christine

Mealtime is one of the best times of the day for a rabbit.


And when these veggies are on the menu, they’ll jump for joy when they hear the produce bags moving!

Pellets and hay are must-haves for a bunny’s diet.

They need adequate amounts of both to thrive and live a long and healthy life.

In a word, yes! Vegetables help balance out the nutrition needs of a rabbit.

Do rabbits need veggies?

Let’s take a look at the categories of vegetables that your bunny needs:

Leafy greens


Squash varieties like zucchini and other summer squash where the seeds are small and easy to digest

Green Leaf

Other Veggies

Things like cucumbers and celery also make excellent food for rabbits.

On-occasion veggies

Certain veggies should only be fed every so often to bunnies. The reason? Many of these veggies are higher in calcium than others.

Learn more about the Ultimate List of the Best Veggies fore Rabbits

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