By Christine
You know that rabbits are herbivores. That means they only eat plants. So imagine the surprise if you suddenly came upon your bun happily munching on an insect. An insect!
Why on earth would a herbivore chow down on something that’s definitely not a plant? Do rabbits eat insects? Or is your pet the odd one who thinks bugs taste great?
Rabbits usually don’t look for insects to feed on when they’re hungry. They’re not hard-wired to do so. Their digestive system is geared toward breaking down plant material, which insects are not.
Rabbits don’t actively seek insects to eat. Most don’t even like the taste of bugs. So if you see your bun gobbling down a creepy crawler, don’t think that your herbivorous pet suddenly transformed into an omnivore.
It’s Accidental
Your Rabbit Is Being Territorial
Your Bunny Is Curious
Rabbits are adventurous animals and often take a bite out of things that pique their interest. Remember how you need to rabbit-proof your home so your bun won’t chew the walls, wires, carpets, and any items that catch his fancy?
Nature didn’t equip rabbits for insect feeding. Thus, letting your bun eat bugs can be risky for him.
The Insect Could Be Poisonous
Think scorpions and spiders, and you’ll get what we mean. Some bugs have defense mechanisms that can cause serious injuries to your bun.
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