Are Rabbits Herbivores?

By Christine

You may have seen your bun eat something that can’t be classified as rabbit food, like, say, a strip of crunchy bacon or a piece of hotdog. So you wonder, what gives? Are rabbits herbivores, or are they actually omnivores?

What Are Herbivores?

Herbivores are animals that feed only on plants and plant-based food materials, such as grasses, vegetables, leaves, fruits, roots, and bulbs. Their digestive system is equipped to process and digest only these foods.

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Are Rabbits Herbivores?

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An animal’s anatomy is often designed to give it the best chance for survival in the wild. Years of living in a particular environment and the species’ status on the food chain also help shape and fine-tune its body structure to fit its needs

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Your bun’s digestive system is physically adapted to process plant-based food material, like in this list of veggies. The enzymes in his stomach and the bacteria in his gut can only break down cellulose in plant fibers

The Design of Their Digestive System

The Anatomy of Their Teeth

The incisors and cheek teeth of rabbits are called radicular hypsodont teeth. These pearly whites have a high crown and open-ended roots, making them ever-growing.

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Their Role in Nature

Rabbits are prey animals. This means they don’t hunt but instead are the ones being sought after by predators. To evade these predators, rabbits should be fast and agile, able to dart away at a moment’s notice

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What Should They Eat?

There are plenty of plant-based foods, and some are better for rabbits than others. Carrots are great as treats but not as a regular feature of a rabbit’s meals.

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Here’s what your bun should be eating.

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