The breed originated in France during the early 1900s. Initially produced for its meat and gorgeous coat, the Chinchilla bunny quickly became the rabbit of choice for U.S. and European breeders.
Although all these varieties were offshoots of the Standard Chinchilla, each type is recognized in its own right by the American Rabbit Breeders’ Association (ARBA). Each kind also has its own Standard of Perfection criteria
This is the original Chinchilla bun produced in France by Monsieur M.J. Dybowski, a French engineer and rabbit breeder. All the other Chinchilla varieties descended from the Standard Chinchilla rabbit.
1921 saw the emergence of the Giant Chinchilla rabbits. They were produced by crossing the existing American Chinchillas with the Flemish Giant. They got ARBA’s recognition in 1928.