7 Factors Affecting Rabbit Life Expectancy

By Christine

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Most bun lovers wish that their fur babies can live as long as humans. But the fact that common animal companions typically have short lifespans is all the more reason to enjoy and cherish the time we spend with them, right?

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Besides, when it comes to rabbit life expectancy, those who know little about these adorable creatures might be surprised to discover that they actually live quite a long time, at least for their size.

Rabbits typically live between 8-12 years. Small animals tend to have shorter lifespans, so 8-12 years is nothing to sneeze at.

Average Life Expectancy of Rabbits

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Factors Affecting Rabbit Life Expectancy

Like with humans, certain conditions can lengthen or shorten a rabbit’s life.

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Rabbits who live in outdoor habitats face a harsher living environment than those who stay inside your home.

1. Habitat

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A rabbit’s nutritional requirement is different from that of your other pets. Knowing what to feed your bun will help boost his chances for a long and healthy life.

2. Nutrition

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3. Spaying or Neutering

Spaying or neutering can add years to your pet’s life because of the health benefits it brings. This is especially true for female rabbits because they face the risk of developing ovarian or uterine cancer and other uterine diseases like pyometra, an infection in the uterus.

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A rabbit’s nutritional requirement is different from that of your other pets. Knowing what to feed your bun will help boost his chances for a long and healthy life.

4. Exercise

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To learn more FACTS ABOUT 7 Factors Affecting Rabbit Life Expectancy


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