
Dwarf Holland Lop 

Dwarf Holland Lop 

In terms of popularity in the country, Dwarf Holland Lops make it to the top ten list. With those lop ears and minuscule size, rabbits from this breed perfectly fit the term “cute.” One look and you can’t help but fall in love with them. If you’re interested in getting one of these beauties, you…

What Can Rabbits Chew on for Their Teeth?   

What Can Rabbits Chew on for Their Teeth?   

Rabbits’ teeth have an interesting feature. They never stop growing. Throughout a bun’s life, his pearly whites grow continuously, and at a fast rate, at that. Thus, the need to wear down those choppers to prevent problems. But what can rabbits chew on for their teeth?    Rabbits will chew most anything. Because they won’t know…

Are Rabbits Born Blind?

Are Rabbits Born Blind?

Your bun’s eyes possess a fantastic quality. They can see nearly all the way around them. That’s due to their position high at the side of the head. But that impressive, almost 360-degree vision rabbits enjoy comes later. At birth, baby bunnies can’t see. What? Are rabbits born blind, you ask. Let’s find out!  Baby…

Facts About the Teddy Lionhead Rabbit   

Facts About the Teddy Lionhead Rabbit   

Yes, all rabbits are cute. But some do attract more attention than others. Take the Lionhead bun, for example. With their distinctive mane, it’s hard not to notice rabbits from this breed. But there’s another Lionhead variety, the Teddy Lionhead rabbit, that’s also noted for its great hair. The question is, will it make a…